Sunday, 3 August 2014

THACKLEY TRUMPIT JULY 2014 GONE FISHIN with Idle and Thackley Angling Association

Gone Fishin...

with Idle and Thackley Angling Association

Beginners Tips

If you are thinking of taking up angling or are new to the sport here are some useful tips. Licenses-all freshwater anglers must be in possession of a current Environment Agency Rod License which are available from Post Offices. You should also join a club or pay for a day ticket to fish most venues. Day tickets on our length of the canal for example at Dobson locks Apperley Bridge can be obtained on the bank for only £3 adults or £1.50 for juniors and are available from Eccleshill Angling Supplies.
Many beginners have a tendency to make the mistake of buying short rods of only 6ft or so which can make casting much more difficult. If you are buying a rod buy the longest you can cope with and afford. Reel spools should always be filled with line to within a few mm of the lip of the spool. This makes the line come off the spool much smoother and helps casting. If necessary build up the level of the spool with some old line or fine string first before putting on the new line. Line breaking strain should be just heavy enough for the fish you   intend to catch and for the venue. Use 4 to 6lb line for river fishing for larger fish such as chub and barbel but fish much finer 2lb or less on canals and rivers for smaller fish such as roach and perch. Always fish with a slightly weaker short hook length of about a foot so that if you get fast on anything it will break there and you will not loose a lot of line or tackle.
Hook size should be varied depending on the baits being used. For heavily fished waters small hooks such as size 20 or even 22 are needed for small baits such as maggot. Use 16 or 14 hooks for medium sized baits such as worm, bread and sweetcorn. Larger hooks 12 to size 6 should be used for large baits such as luncheon meat and bread. Always weight your float correctly so that only a small part of the tip is showing. For lakes canals and ponds you should bunch most of the non-toxic weights at the bottom of the float with just a few very small ones down the line. This makes casting much easier with fewer tangles and also makes the bait fall slowly through the water leading to many more bites. For river fishing a more even string of weights between float and hook or bunched weights lower down the line may be more effective.
Look after the environment and don’t leave any discarded line, non toxic weights, litter or empty tins anywhere. Take them home and put them in the dustbin.

Swainby R Swale Open Match Result 22.6.14

The River was just above normal summer level for the first match of the season. Matty Prudhoe won the match with   2 chub and a few dace weighing 8lb 1oz on stick float and maggot from peg 40.  Second was George Huscroft 2lb 12 oz from peg 72 and third was Mark Allison 1lb 6oz from peg 47.
Future Swainby Matches- July 6th, July 20th,  Aug 3rd, Aug 24th, Sept 7th, Sept 21st, Oct 5th, Oct 19th, Nov 9th, Nov 23rd, Dec 14th and Dec 28th. For Bookings ring  Charlie Hardaker 01274 615016.
Contacts- If want any further information or have any  reasonably sensible suggestions contact.
Phone 01274 615016.
Web Site -

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