Saturday, 3 May 2014


The Living Well ART CLUB
Meets Tuesday mornings, 10am - 1pm,
at St. John’s Hall, Thorpe Edge.
By Jeff Thelwell
It's that time again. Spring is here and along with the daffodils and young lambs comes A.G.M. time. It's the same for any organisation large or small but as I'm a doer, I always seem to end up with a committee place I don't really want. It's very easy to get on to a committee but it's bl---y hard to get off without incurring resentment and ill will, so unless there is a willing member, keen to step in, you're stuck with me for another year.
Clubs are not to everyone's taste. I have a strange  relationship with them, as on the plus side you meet people with similar tastes and interests and are forced by the club itinerary to attempt things you may otherwise not do, whilst on the other hand you don't always get to do what you want, when you want. 
The Living Well Art Club suits me as the monthly programme means we paint subjects that would otherwise be avoided for a host of reasons, yet allows us to follow our own interests just as avidly. Then of course there are the workshops that help us to try, or further develop, new skills. It's all a question of balance and to be frank I think we have got it about right because if we only painted what we wanted to then we may as well stay at home. On the other hand, if we only painted to a programme, we would resent not painting what we want There, I've got that off my chest- time to volunteer again!!!!
Our programme for next month is:-
May 6    Open meeting
May 13   Workshop with Doreen Betts.(Trees)
May 20   Open meeting
May 27   Path of Peace

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