Monday 21 April 2014


The Living Well ART CLUB
Meets Tuesday mornings, 10am - 1pm,
at St. John’s Hall, Thorpe Edge.
By Jeff Thelwell

As anticipated, the workshop we had with Jeremy Taylor was a great success although as usual everybody had a different version of Jeremy's chosen subject! It is nice to follow (as best you can) the work of an expert but even more pleasurable if they happen to be a good teacher as well. Jeremy, as I said last month, is both a gifted artist and professional teacher so his sessions are always something to look forward to. 
In April we are holding another workshop with our founder member Doreen Betts. Although not a professional artist Doreen has been painting watercolours all her life and produces paintings of wonderful freshness and  assurance.  I am lucky enough to have one of her pictures hung and never tire of its style and grace.  Her subject for the workshop will be  Derbyshire Walls.
We will also be holding our AGM in April so should you choose to join us for Doreen's session do make sure of the dates or you could get caught up in the cut and thrust of club politics!  Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Our list of activities for April are.

April 1st.      Stepping Stones
April 8th      Open Meeting and AGM
April 15th    Workshop with Doreen Betts
April 22nd   No  Meeting (Easter)

 Should you have any enquiries regarding the club don't hesitate to contact me on 01274 612334 and ask for Jeff

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