Tuesday 22 April 2014


Another ‘Trumeteer’ Bites The Dust
It looks as if we are going to be a little short on copy this month, again, this time it is Mick Craven in the wars. As many of you will know Mick is an enthusiastic motorcyclist and reports on our many motor sports, well he is likely to be out of action for some time following an accident last Friday afternoon in King’s Road. He is now in the BRI with a smashed left knee, a broken toe and bad bruising to his right leg, a broken right arm and broken fingers in his left hand, not in good shape at the moment.
The accident was reported in the T & A last weekend (March 22nd) along with a photograph of his bike badly mauled by the car. He was indeed fortunate in that two, off duty, paramedics and two nurses were at the scene within minutes to attend to him and an ambulance summoned very quickly soon had him in hospital.
He insists he will be able to produce some copy this month, but we don’t see how, unless he can type with his mouth, as it about the only thing working at the moment. No doubt he will find a way next month so we wish him the best and a speedy recovery.

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