Tuesday 22 April 2014


The Thackley Trumpit

Incorporating ‘The Idle Chatterer’ & ‘The Closing Times’ )

Tel. 07944969335   Email: billco@blueyonder.co.uk

Protest to Save Fields

Thackley residents showed their anger and resolution on Saturday March 17th when 150 held a “walk in” to      protest at Bradford Council’s support of the development at Cote Farm along with a national developer to build up to 250 houses on this greenfield site. Complete with banners, children, dogs etc, they walked from the Cricket Club along Leeds Road to the old Shoulder of Mutton building and round the proposed site, supported by their local MP , Councillors and a support group from Simpson Green (who face a similar fate in the future).
There is little doubt as to the depth of feeling in the area against these plans and it seems this is the only way of showing  the Council and developers just how deep it goes. Thackley will not be moved on this and the “walk” is only the start of a prolonged protest against these ill thought out plans and the disruption they are likely to course.
Below is a letter from one irate member of the public who supported the walk:
 Letter in Support of “Walk In”
On behalf of the Thackley Action Group may I shout a very loud" Thank You!!" to all those who supported our "Walk In" held on Saturday 17th. March. There was about 150 local people of all ages walking with their banners and it was nice to see family groups with prams, students with banners and the more senior of us with sticks, all chatting together as we made our way along the route. We even had a pony in support and a truly magnificent banner made by Katie and Paul(?) to compliment the official Save our Fields (mark 2) one. A special thanks also to the members of the Simpson Green Action group who came along to help out. I am sure we will return the favour when they need it.  We should all remember that the traffic and school places problems we fear if Cote Farm is built on, are exactly the same as theirs and are only just down the road. Last but not least, yet another special thanks to all those members of the public who sounded their horns, patted our backs and generally wished us well. Your support, even when we blocked the zebra crossing, helped convince us our cause is your cause and is a just one.
There is no guarantee we will win this battle. Nor indeed that we will win the next one. But for those of you who walked  at least have the comfort of knowing that you tried. For those of you who couldn't come, hope to see you next time. For those who couldn't be bothered, don't ever moan about the traffic, the lack of school places or the loss of greenfield spaces.  Once they are gone -they are gone forever.  
Jeff Thelwell.

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