Saturday 19 April 2014


The Thackley Trumpit

Incorporating ‘The Idle Chatterer’ & ‘The Closing Times’ )

Tel. 07944969335   Email:

Face of Change By Bill Craven

Over the next few months readers should expect some changes to the Trumpit. They will be made slowly and carefully as we don’t want to alienate our hard won, loyal customers, but costs and  changing conditions mean it is inevitable that some changes are made, but if you find something you dislike please let us know, and if we can alter it then we will do so.
One thing which will change, however, is the web site, we will have a new server and a rebuilt site, it may take a little while, but we are sure it will be an improvement on the original. Attached is a statement of intent from what is to be the new internet site and is intended to incorporate more of Idle, Greengates and Wrose in its content. Don’t forget, having read the statement please let us know your feelings. Bill Craven Editor.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

I have had this idea running around in my head for a while now. Basically an extension of The Thackley Trumpit. This publication has been a local success but has its limitations of content. As we all know Idle and Thackley are a fairly affluent part of the greater Bradford area. But it is falling into a slow decline as time passes by. People want to live here but there are few jobs locally. We have a few good companies dotted about and plenty of retail opportunities which serve the local communities, many craftsmen and service     providers live in the area but work elsewhere. A community can only thrive if its population is economically active. Shops, pubs and restaurants can only survive if people have money to spend. Local people and   businesses need a helping hand with information about what is going on in the area, who’s available to do work (plumbers etc) who’s available to work, work that is available working within local businesses and organisations. Spiritually it is important to know what is available from various churches, hobbies, history, art and pastimes which are enjoyed by the local population and could attract new members if they are in possession of information. From a political perspective keeping a check on          politicians by informing the electorate about plans and decisions which happen behind closed doors. Local people can make a difference on the wider stage. An example would be Joseph Whitworth probable one of the most important engineers ever to have lived was educated in Idle. His impact on the world as a whole is incalculable. I only learned this fact the other day. Local man Dean Harrison is now a works motorcycle racer and making a name for himself on the world stage. We have a world famous motorcycle parts manufacturer down Albion road. All sorts of things are happening within the village, most of the information is spread by word of mouth, but increasingly the internet and social media play a larger part in any community. Facebook and twitter can inform many people instantaneously of events and opinion. All these things are fine if you are part of an organisation like a church where members can be emailed, tweeted or posted on facebook if your not in the loop then you don’t get to know. We intend to provide a one stop shop for activities within the local north Bradford area funded by advertising. The only way to attract advertising is to have a lot of visitors to the site. This means making sure that the information provided is of good quality and an    interest to enough people to make it attractive for advertisers. Initially these will be provided by advertisers the Trumpit. 

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